Visual Effects Supervisor

Visual effects supervisor typically refers to the job of supervising the visual effects pipeline from
pre-production to production to post-production.
I was a little stricter in this regard as I only posted jobs here where I was present on set coordinating with the production team for visual effects.
CG Artist

A CGI artist typically refers to any imagery that is created digitally, on the computer.
Here I only posted jobs where I used 3D software to render out the CGI. So everything here was rendered in 3D software.

Almost all visual effects job require compositing. That is the process of combining all vfx shots into the final 2D image. This job requires a general skill in every aspect of post production. One important aspect of this is understanding the color pipeline to make sure the final composition exports out correctly for the editor and color artist.
Every job here are jobs where I was a comp artist and typically every job I am apart of I will being doing the final comp unless your job has a dedicated composition artist.
Virtual Production

A virtual production typically involves live in camera vfx on a LED wall, projector or large TV or it involves live keying and previs for the director on set to see how his green screen footage will turn out. Sometimes the live keyed greenscreen results in the final product as well. Usually this is done in Unreal Engine or Aximmetry.
Everything here are jobs where I setup and calibrated the camera and ran the software for a virtual production.
Motion Graphics Artist

These jobs are jobs where I didn't do visual effects but more animation and graphics for commercials.
AI Image Manipulation

AI image manipulation involves using modern neural network AI to generate or alter imagery. This involves creating deepfakes for stand in actors for example or creating assets to be used in a production using Stable Diffusion and Controlnet or doing style transfers to create surreal imagery. Also training custom neural network models to create unique tools and looks.
Everything here are projects where AI tools and techniques were used to create the final image.